Virtual Classic Car Rally
Post date: 18-Feb-2018 11:06:11
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of our "Farina Forum" social media website, The Cambridge-Oxford Owners Club are holding what we believe to be the world's first Virtual Car Rally.
The anniversary falls in the wintry month of February, when many classic car owners are reluctant to take their vehicles on the salty roads.
However, with members around the world and many UK owners driving their cars all year-round, it was decided to hold an event for everyone to take part - a Virtual Rally!
The rules are simple, each car has to photographed over the weekend of 24th/25th February, 2018.
The vehicle can be in a garage, driveway, on the road or even in parts ready to be put back together!The picture must include the special Rally Plaque (downloaded from the Farina Forum) or a local daily newspaper to verify the date.
Pictures are uploaded to the Forum from where over 500 members can vote by simply pressing a LIKE button.
The winners will be announced the following weekend, with prizes ranging from a Tablet Computer to a year's COOC Membership.
Prize categories are -
Best 4 cylinder Farina
Best 6 cylinder Farina
Best 4 cylinder Pre-Farina
Best 6 cylinder Pre-Farina
Best Commercial Vehicle (including vans, pick-ups, hearses and SunTor campers)
COOC Committee Award for Vehicle Requiring Most Work
Vehicle Furthest Distance from the old Austin factory in Longbridge
Please see our website for details on how to join -
Here are our winners!
Best 6 cylinder Pre-Farina
Angela James
Vehicle Requiring Most Work
Andrew Marshallsay
Best Commercial Vehicle
Mark Bean
Best 6 cylinder Pre-Farina
Frans van Zoest
Best 4 cylinder Pre-Farina
Tom Hanslip
Furthest Distance from Longbridge
Alex Mckenzie (11,834 miles)
Best in Show and Best 4 cylinder Farina.
Malc Shaw's Austin A60